Three Media Groups Urge Malaysia to Pass FOI law

27 September 2012

Media groups in Malaysia have called on the government to pass a right to informaiton law, according to an article in Free Malaysia Today.

“We are writing to ask the Federal Barisan Nasional coalition to make an election commitment, in the upcoming general elections, to adopt right to information legislation as soon as possible,” according to the letter from the Southeast Asian Press Alliance, Media Defence-Southeast Asia, Centre for Law and Democracy and Centre for Independent Journalism. Barisan Nasional is the major political coalition in Malaysia.

“We are very concerned that the Barisan Nasional government has persistently rejected calls to enact such a law and has instead systematically targeted whistleblowers and individuals who have sought to expose wrongdoing and corruption in the public sector,” the letter said.

The letter writers state that “the government’s persistent denial of this right is putting its credibility and popularity increasingly at risk.” They note that to states, Selangor and Penang, have both passed freedom of information laws, in April and November 2011, respectively.

“Although these laws have certain weaknesses, they represent an important step in terms of legal recognition of the right to information and the public’s right to know,” the letter states. “We encourage all states to build on this achievement in Penang and Selangor by putting in place clear plans of action for the implementation of these laws, and in all other states by enacting Freedom of Information laws.”

In addition to asking the Barisan Nasional Government to enact an RTI law, the groups recommend that the government “repeal all laws and provisions that unduly restrict citizens’ right to access public information.”

The Pakatan Rakyat Governments of Penang and Selangor should publish an inventory of the information held by public bodies; appoint and provide adequate training to information officers; undertake routine proactive disclosure of information of public interest; and conduct adequate public awareness activities to ensure that citizens are aware of the law and how to use it.

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