FOI Notes: RTK Day Tweets, Parliaments, Maps and More

20 September 2012

Right to Know Day: For Right to Know Day tweet the hashtag  #10RTKD for English (for 10th Right to Know Day), and #10DDDS for Spanish (10 Día de Derecho a Saber). On Facebook, view

SARTIAN:  There’s a new website for the South Asia Right to Information Advocates Network (SARTIAN).

Parliamentary Openness:  A Declaration on Parliamentary Openness, a joint document prepared and drafted by the growing movement of Parliamentary Monitoring Organizations, or PMOs. See blog post by the Sunlight Foundation’s John Wonderlich. The declaration contains 44 provisions that draw on standards frameworks developed by the global parliamentary community, covering basic principles of public ownership of parliamentary information, specifying categories of that information, and detailing the channels through which it is made accessible to citizens.

Open Data Census: A new portal from the Open Knowledge Foundation documents the number of data data catalogs and datasets.

Innovation Fund: Global Integrity announced a “TESTING 123: The Global Integrity Innovation Fund,” and called for “brand-new, half-crazy, never tried before ways of addressing the challenges of transparency and accountability.  We’ll invest in 10 to 15 innovative ideas with up to $10,000 each, giving innovators from any country around the world the opportunity to test their ideas. The application period starts now and we’ll be accepting applications until November 16, 2012 at 5pm EST.

Argentina: La Nación newspaper in Argentina has published a map of right to know regulations and a of how to file requests.

Research:  There’s a call for papers to be presented at a panel on “Transparency and Open Government” to be held at the IRSPM 2013 conference in Prague (10-12 April). Proposals should be sent jointly to the conference organizers ( <>) and to the panel (

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