Spanish Cabinet OKs Access Law, Releases Text

3 August 2012

The Spanish Cabinet on July 27 approved an access bill and several days later released the long-awaited text of the bill (in Spanish).

With the action by the Spanish Council of Ministers, the bill on Transparency, Access to Public Information and Good Governance, (proyecto de Ley de Transparencia, Acceso a la Información Pública y Buen Gobierno) now moves into the parliamentary debate stage.

Access Info, a Spanish-based group, reported that the transparency bill “has been modified based on recommendations from the Data Protection Agency and the Spanish Consejo de Estado (a government advisory body).” The group has been critical of the government for not being open about the process.

The government has still not published the 3,700 submissions to the public consultation on the initial draft law or comments on the bill by government agencies.

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