Mexico Expands OGP Commitments in New Plan

16 August 2012

The Mexican government has expanded its Open Government Partnership national action plan beyond the first one created last September, incorporating more suggestions from civil society.

The Expanded Action Plan (in English) presented during a press conference in Mexico City June 6 includes 36 commitments to advance transparency and accountability that must be met by September 2012.

“The Action Plan originally presented in New York by the Mexican government on September of last year was mostly created out of government agencies’ proposals and contained only one from the civil society,” according to a press release about the new plan. “The Extended Action Plan now contains concrete commitments that came from the civil society’s agendas, and were discussed and agreed with the responsible agencies’ officials, with whom the participants also agreed on specific compliance dates.”

The 36 commitments are the result of a continuous dialogue between the government and civil society organizations.

“The creation of the Technical Tripartite Secretariat (TTS) on December 2011 made the elaboration of this plan possible,” according to the announcement. The TTS is composed by a representative from civil society (in this case by Fundar, Center for Analysis and Research), a representative from the Federal Institute for Access to Information and Data Protection (IFAI, for its acronym in Spanish), and another one from the Ministry of Public Administration (SFP, for its acronym in Spanish)  the SFP. In this secretariat, each member has equal voice and vote. It was specifically created to coordinate the OGP agenda and also will be responsible for monitoring the compliance of the stipulated commitments from now on.

A website has been created on the OGP process in Mexico.

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