FOI Notes: Research, Open Data Debated, More Reports

17 August 2012

Research: A study by Fabrizio Scrollini on different approaches and best practices vis-a-vis the relationship between the parliament as the legislative authority and independent FOI authorities Serbia and other places.

Open Data: How valuable is open data and are there downsides? A long blog post by Tom Slee. “The point of this post is to draw attention to this open government data doppelgänger—-the shadow of commercial interests that follow civic hackers wherever they go; the new markets that spring up inevitably from the ruins of the old—-and to its dangers.” Another post on the subject is by Paul Brownell, who concludes: “This underscores the importance of engagement—as individuals and as a community—in the important decisions being taken by our policy leaders. The data definitions we use will be critical as these policies are crafted and as we finally begin to see the impact of open data on society.” Canadian blogger David Eaves responds with comments including: “What I find frustrating is that open data advocates get accused of being techno-utopians, praising technology when things work and blaming officials when it goes wrong… but Slee seems to be doing the same in reverse.”

Latin America: A short report on the Seventh Meeting of the Regional Alliance for Free Expression and Information in Caracas attended by many representatives of international human rights organizations, freedom of expression and free access to public information. “The meeting’s main objective was the joint work of the strategic plan for the defense and strengthening of the Inter-American Human Rights in the framework of the Reform Working Group of the OAS to the Commission. Just as well, planning an agenda for advocacy in the implementation of access to information in the action plans of governments in promoting access to information under the Open Government Alliance – AGA (OGP in English).
This time, joined as observer organizations participated – Chile and Venezuela Public Space.”

United States: The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press has just published a guide to the administrative appeals process. An old favorite is the RCFP FOIA letter generator and for basic FOIA information consult the Federal Open Government Guide. Or call the hotline: 1-800-336-4243.

United States: An OMB Watch article about the California state legislature suspending the state’s open meetings laws for budgetary reasons.

Research Position: The Reagan-Fascell Democracy Fellows Program at the Washington,D.C.-based National Endowment for Democracy invites applications for fellowships by Oct. 15. The program is intended primarily to support practitioners and scholars from developing and aspiring democracies; distinguished scholars from established democracies are also eligible to apply. Projects may focus on the political, social, economic, legal, and cultural aspects of democratic development and may include a range of methodologies and approaches.

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