FOI NOTES: Open Data, Cool Graphic, Color Requests

10 August 2012

India/Open Data: A report on open data in India by the Transparency Access Initiative.

Latin America: The Latin American Index on Budget Transparency, done by FUNDAR, a Mexican NGO. 

United States: The Sunlight Foundation produces a graphic showing how the news would look without FOI; showing stories with many blacked out lines.

United Kingdom: The group Democratic Society starts a discussion on what open policymaking means.

United States: The U.S. Veterans Administration seeks a contractor to provide “a system, operations and maintenance support, and training for an Electronic-FOIA system to improve the management of the VA FOIA program.”

Color Requests: Indian RTI Activist Kanu Shah, uses colours, logos and scanned images to make them look beautiful in order to  make officials “read the applications with interest,” according to a Times of India report.

United Nations: The U.N. Special Rapporteur on the rights of indigenous peoples, James Anaya, have stresses the vital role that media can play in the respect for, and the promotion and protection of, indigenous peoples’ rights.  

Sovereign Wealth Funds: The Linaburg-Maduell Transparency Index was developed in 2008 at the Sovereign Wealth Fund Institute by Carl Linaburg and Michael Maduell to rate the transparency of sovereign wealth funds, government-owned investment vehicles.

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