Zambian Government Delays Offering Access Legislation

25 June 2012

The Zambia government on June 25 postponed a planned June 26 unveiling of a freedom of information bill, according to media reports and emails to

A bill has been developed by a task force of government and non-government representatives, but the delay was attributed to a desire by the Attorney General, who was out of the country, to approve it.

“It’s the politicians who are now growing cold feet as to the implications of the law,” explained one concerned person close to the talks. “They want a clear explanation from the attorney general. May use the opportunity to dilute the bill.”

The same person said it is “not yet clear what they are afraid of,” adding, “It’s a wait and see situation.”

The Zambian Watchdog reported that the bill “will not be launched until after further consultation in July.”

Ministry of Information and Broadcasting Permanent Secretary Amos Malupenga announced the delay. “He said government is still consulting stakeholders but was quick to say this was not a way of buying time as did the MMD government when it withdrew the Bill from parliament giving the same reason as the PF,” the article said.

Another skeptical newspaper article, in Zambia Reports, stated: “The travel plans of officials has often been cited as the source of delays on the bill. Last week, the FOI Bill launch was postponed because Information, Broadcasting and Labour Minister Fackson Shamenda traveled from Lusaka to Kitwe to attend the funeral of lawyer Steven Malama.”

Notwithstanding the delay, the article also said, “There appears to be broad support for the passage of the bill, even among organizations known to be associated with the ruling party. Transparency International Zambia (TIZ) Executive Director Goodwell Lungu has said the FOI bill would enhance the fight against corruption.”

The task force included government representatives from the Ministry of Information, Broadcasting and Labour and Ministry of Justice, the Civil Society FoI Coalition of the Jesuit Centre for Theological Reflection, Economic Association of Zambia, MISA-Zambia, Transparency International Zambia and the Law Association of Zambia, independent legal experts Kenny Makungu, a lecturer at UNZA and Edem Djokotoe, the World Bank technical team, among others.

Malupenga on June 16 was quoted in the UK Zambians as saying that the draft bill “is now ready.”

Actress Supports Bill

Recently, a veteran actress lent her support to the FOI cause, reported The Times of Zambia.

“Matilda Tutu Malamamfumu, a veteran actress whose stage life spans way back in 1968, feels the enactment of the bill will actually help address the plight of artists who are mostly poorly remunerated.”

The article quotes her as explaining: “With the Freedom of Information Act place it will expose resource allocation for the arts; currently it is privy to the people who call for peanuts for the payment of artists. The perpetrators of discrimination and unequal pay will be exposed. The arts can only be respected if it can actualise equal pay for equal work,” she says.

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