Work on African Model Law Enters Next Stage

25 June 2012

A model freedom of information law for Africa is on track for adoption in October, according to the organizers.

The final sub-regional consultation was held in Tunis on June 16 and 17.

“The consultation was the final in a series held by the Centre for Human Rights, University of Pretoria on behalf of the African Commission Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Expression and Access to Information, to obtain feedback on the draft model law,” according to a status report.

An expert working group will meet in Pretoria July 6 to 8 “to discuss feedback received from each of the sub-regional consultations (held in Maputo, Nairobi, Dakar and Tunis) as well as written submissions received from various regional and international actors in the access to information community.”

“Based on the determinations made by the expert group, the drafting team, consisting of Tammy O’Connor from SAHA’s Freedom of Information Programme and Chantal Kisoon from the South African Human Rights Commission, will prepare a final draft of the law which will be submitted to the African Commission for adoption at its meeting in October 2012.”

View the draft model law here.

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