U.S. Mayors Form Open Government Initiative

21 June 2012

An “Open Government Innovation Partnership” is being formed by mayors in the United States.

A task force of the U.S. Conference of Mayors, chaired by San Francisco Mayor Edwin Lee, developed the initiative. The goal is “to help build an ecosystem that will help cities advance and prioritize innovation to improve government.”

In a resolution, the Technology and Innovation Task Force endorsed open government and open data. “This is a time for cities to confront challenges by taking risks and embracing innovation,” Lee said in a statement announcing the partnership.

The partnership, the announcement said, will:

• strengthen and increase civic use of innovation, cross-collaboration and improved accountability through open government initiatives;

• showcase the leadership of cities highlighting innovation and creative best practices to increase opportunities for collaboration with the private sector;

• secure commitments that will make city governments more efficient, effective, and responsive by embracing the use of open government innovation; and

• empower private-sector organizations to partner with government to make services more efficient, effective, and responsive to residents.

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