FOI Notes: Environmental Democracy, Consultant Wanted, Global Integrity, UK Study

8 June 2012

Environment: Globalizing Environmental Democracy: A Call for International Action by Lalanath de Silva & Jeremy Wates.

Job Posting: The United Nations Development Programme is seeking a consultant for a study on FOI, the forestry sector and climate change.

Global Integrity:  The Global Integrity 2011 report is out. “This year, we cover 31 countries examining transparency of the public procurement process, media freedom, asset disclosure requirements, conflicts of interest regulations, and more.

UK Universities: A study of FOI and universities by the Constitution Unit in the Department of Political Science at University College London finds among other things, “We found the most common problem that FOI officers encountered were related to their colleagues,  with 92% of respondents citing resistance and a lack of awareness of the legislation amongst other staff as having a negative impact on their ability to carry out their responsibilities and respond to requests.  In addition, similar to the findings in our previous study on local government, we found that colleague orientated difficulties appear to be mitigated by a supportive senior management team.”

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