EU Ombudsman Flags Transparency as Official Goal

29 June 2012

The European Ombudsman, P. Nikiforos Diamandouros, has published a set of five principles” to guide the conduct of EU civil servants that includes transparency.

The fifth principle states:

5. Transparency

Civil servants should be willing to explain their activities and to give reasons for their actions.

They should keep proper records and welcome public scrutiny of their conduct, including their compliance with these public service principles.

According to a press release, the principles “take account of best practice in the Member States” and were established through a consultation process.

The five public service principles, absent the short elaborations, are:

1. Commitment to the European Union and its citizens

2. Integrity

3. Objectivity

4. Respect for others

5. Transparency

The public service principles are available in the 23 EU languages at:

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