New Yemen Law Ranks High on International Scale

17 May 2012

The legislation passed in Yemen on the right of access to information, currently awaiting presidential assent, scores fairly high on an international rating scale

The Centre for Law and Democracy analysis gives it 102 out of a possible 150 points, putting it in 21st place globally.

“The law’s strongest features include its broad scope and applicability and its strong promotional regime. At the same time, the law has important weaknesses, including the lack of proper recognition of the human right to information and the absence of a public interest override,” according to the CLD analysis, which also includes recommendations.

 The comments, the rating score and an unofficial translation are available at CLD.

Yemen’s law is the third in the Arab world, following Jordan (2007) and Tunisia (2011).

The report notes that after being signed, Yemen’s president and new Commissioner-General for Information are tasked with enacting executive regulations within six months.

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