Ukraine Planning Rules for FOI Law; Internet Access

27 April 2012

The Ukrainian government has indicated that in June it will adopt rules to implement the Law on Access to Public Information, according to a Ukrainian News report.

A government announcement cited also stated that the government will and prepare “a plan of measures for creation of a public information accounting system in the state and local self-government bodies,” the Ukrainian News said.

In addition, the report indicates that a goal for September is to adjust other laws to comply with the new access law.

For December, the government plans, the Ukrainian News said, “… a public discussion on the implementation of a mechanism of free, simplified and no-charge access, including that via the internet, to the information containing in state registers, specifically the register of rights to real property, the register of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs, the land cadastre, the register of persons who committed corruption offences.

Implementation of the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (????) in Ukraine also is on the agenda for December, the government said, indicating that these topics are among its commitments in its Open Government Partnership action plan.

In addition, the Cabinet of Ministers plans to hold a public discussion of a draft law on creation of a public service television and radio broadcasting system in December, according to Government Executive Order No.220, issued on April 5.

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