New Guyana FOI Law Still Not in Effect After 7 Months

27 April 2012

The Guyana access to information law, signed into law seven months ago, is still not in effect.

The text of law, although not apparently available on official government websites, has been provided to

The Guyana National Assembly passed the access to information bill Sept. 15, despite criticisms by local transparency activists. (See previous report.) President Bharrat Jagdeo signed it Sept.27.

Under the law, the government decides when it should go into effect. Under the law, the government also should appoint a Commissioner of Information, a position established by the bill, which has not yet occurred.

The information commissioner is charged with quite a variety of start-up duties, including publishing a statement about the particulars of the organization, the categories of documents maintained, the materials prepared for inspection, the particulars for making request, etc.

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