FOI NOTES: Kelsey, Kroes, FOIA Game, More

9 March 2012

Essay:  “The Future is Open:  Why  transparency will be the organizing principle of 21st century public services,” an by Tim Kelsey, has been published

Speech: Neelie Kroes, Vice-President of the European Commission responsible for the Digital Agenda, delivers a speech on “Digital Agenda and Open Data: From Crisis of Trust to Open Governing,” in Bratislava.

Game: The Reporters Committee for the Freedom of the Press in the United States has created a four-question quiz on US FOIA.

Transparency Conference: April 30 is the registration deadline for the Transatlantic Conference on Transparency Research, to be held June 7-9, at Utrecht University, Utrecht, Netherlands. “The purpose of this conference is to bring together researchers from North-America and Europe in order to exchange the latest findings and insights concerning transparency and open government. This transatlantic conference on transparency research follows up on the 1st Global Conference on Transparency Research which was held in Newark (NJ) in May 2011. The website also notes that on June 9 the Dutch national soccer team plays against Denmark. All Dutch people dress up in orange and watch the match in pubs in the city centre. We recommend you to join them!

Open Data: Blogger David Eaves examines the value of the Canadian open data portal, including the savings to the government.

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