World Bank Consulting on Accountability Concepts

10 February 2012

The World Bank is a beginning stakeholder consultations on its Global Partnership for Social Accountability initiative “aimed at strengthening beneficiary feedback and participation by supporting civil society capacity to engage with governments to improve development effectiveness.”

Having sought out initial reasons in 2012, the upcoming effort will seek comment on “key concepts” that have been developed. All documents related to the meeting, including the Briefing on Key Concepts and Principles, are available on the Web site at

One such consultation will be held in Washington D.C., on Feb. 29, 2012 from 12:30 to 5:00 p.m. at the International Finance Corporation Building.

 The Bank said:

Through the consultative meeting, we are seeking views from stakeholders in a range of areas:
o What are the key challenges or issues faced by civil society, which the Partnership should try to address;
o What type of support the proposed Partnership should offer in order to help civil society address these issues;
o What the Bank’s role should be in providing this support via this partnership;
o What kind of development results the Partnership should seek to achieve.  By what metrics or indicator the success of the Partnership should be measured;
o The Briefing on Key Concepts outlines emerging ideas on the governance structure of the possible Partnership.  What else should be taken into consideration in establishing an effective and efficient governance structure;
o What criteria should be used in the selection of civil society and independent experts to participate in the governance structure;
o What risks are to be expected and how the Partnership should address these risks;
o Any other ideas, suggestions to make the partnership implementable and effective.

The Partnership proposal is planned for discussion by the World Bank Group Board of Executive Directors in April 2012. Subject to Board approval, consultations and conversations will continue from May through June 2012 to go deeper into the operational details of the Partnership in different country contexts.

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In this column, Washington, D.C.-based journalist Toby J. McIntosh reports on the latest developments in information disclosure in International Financial and Trade Institutions (IFTI).
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