More OGP Countries Post Updates on Action Plans

24 February 2012

Seven other countries participating in the Open Government Partnership have submitted interim reports on their efforts to write national action plans.

According to a review, Estonia, Georgia, Jordan, Kenya, Latvia, Montenegro and Sweden sent in updates within the past week that are posted on the OGP website.

This leaves 15 countries that apparently have not heeded a January call by the Brazilian co-chairman to submit updates by the end of January, about a third of the countries asked to submit updates.

The national action plans are due by the first annual meeting, to be held April 17-18 in Brazilia, Brasil. Plans for the meeting are continuing, with 35 civil society organizations now selected to attend. (See related report.)

On Feb. 28, the World Bank is sponsoring a workshop on the preparation of national action plans. The two hour event, 9 – 11 a.m., will be webcast at The event webpage is here

15 Missing Updates

Updates are still missing are: Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Denmark, El Salvador, Ghana, Greece, Italy, Jordan Liberia, Lithuania, Mongolia, Netherlands, Spain, Turkey and the Ukraine.

The original eight OGP countries announced their action plans in September 2011. Forty-two countries are developing action plans.

The lack of a report does not indicate that work on action plans isn’t under way. Denmark has not submitted an update, but has a web page for its OGP planning effort. Jordan apparently has not submitted an update on its activities, but has provided a draft action plan.  Tanzania submitted a draft action plan but no update report.  The OGP website entry for Ukraine appears to be from a civil society organization, not the government. No updates could be expected from very recent OGP joiners, Panama and Costa Rica.

For a spreadsheet linking to OGP country submissions, click here and see the “OGP Member Submissions” entry under “Links.”

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