FOI NOTES: Open Data, FOI Literacy, United States

24 February 2012

Open Data: The new version of the Open Data Handbook has been released by the Open Knowledge Foundation.

Bangladesh:  Three years after passage of the Bangladesh  Right to Information Act, 98.2 per cent  of the rural population  have no idea on  how to use  it in their  daily  life, according to a recent baseline survey by Citizens’ Voice for Improved local Public Services (CVIPS), conducted by the  Mass-line Media Centre (MMC).

United States: A student-led project between Harvard and Stanford,, aims  to “create a FOIA-centric website, called FOIAbase, where users can brainstorm ideas for potential FOIA requests, refine those ideas into actual FOIA letters, raise money to fund the requests, and browse released documents as well as statistics on the response rate and wait times of different government agencies.”

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