FOI Notes: Latin America, Kenya, U.S., Nigeria, More

25 November 2011

Latin American:Supreme Audit Agencies in Latin America: Report on Transparency, Participation and Accountability,” a report in English and Spanish coordinated by Asociacion Civil por la Igualdad y la Justicia.

Kenya: Global Integrity has a new report out “a bottom-up scorecard of transparency, anti-corruption and accountability efforts in Kenya’s three largest cities – Kisumu, Mombasa and Nairobi.

Ireland: A new edition of the Freedom of Information Sourcebook published by Public Affairs Ireland in association with Mason Hayes+Curran solicitors is now available, according to an announcement.

United States: OMB Watch looks at the U.S. standing in a series of recent comparative transparency studies.

Nigeria:  Mobile apps are made available on the new Nigeria FOI law.

India: BBC reports on retaliation against whistle-blowers in India, including interview with the Chief Information Commissioner.

African Telecom: New reports issued on internet and cell phone use in Africa. Mobilizing public services in Africa: The m-government challenge (white paper distributed at Africa Com event Nov 2011) and Broadband in Africa perspective (used at Africa Com Nov 2011 event)

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