Polish Legislation Called Too Broad; Signing Opposed

22 September 2011

Polish transparency activists are asking the country’s president not to sign recently passed amendments to the freedom of information law.

Parliament Sept. 16 approved a variety of changes, including an amendment added by the upper chamber which critics consider too broad.

The specific objectionable provision (translated by a Polish FOI activist) states:

1a. The right of access to information in the form of opinion and analysis prepared on behalf of entities performing public tasks, is limited in scope and time, if the disclosure infringe important state economic interests by:

1) The weakening of the State Treasury negotiating capacity in the management of its property or the negotiating ability of Polish Republic in the process of concluding an international agreement or a decision by the European Council or Council of the European Union;

2) an impediment, to a substantial property interests of the Republic of Poland or the Polish State Treasury in a proceeding before a court, tribunal or other authority forum.

In July, the government proposed a variety of restrictions to prevent the disclosure of documents used in the preparation of official positions on a variety of defined matters. (See previous FreedomInfo.org report.)

For articles in Polish, see: article one, article two, article three.

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