Indian Court Upholds Exclusion of CBI from RTI

12 September 2011

An Indian court has upheld with the government’s decision to exempt the Central Bureau of Investigation, a security and intelligence agency, from coverage under the right to information law.

The Madras high court Sept. 9 became the first in the country to rule on one of several legal challenges to the decision, according to media reports including one by The Times of India.

The judges wrote: “In our view, queries which would hamper or jeopardize the working of any intelligence and security agency should not be permitted and undoubtedly this was not the purport of the RTI Act. Any investigation by such an agency as the CBI handling sensitive and sensational cases involving internal security of the country and its financial stability, if allowed to be disclosed would be counter-productive and it will adversely affect the efficiency of the functioning of the organization itself.”

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