FOI Notes: Bangladesh, WikiLeaks, Mobile Phones

27 September 2011

Bangladesh: A new publication documents 15 RTI related stories in Bangladesh – The Power of Using the Right to Information Act in Bangladesh: Experiences from the Ground (PDF 1376 KB). This publication documents the experiences of NGOs working in the field and how the RTI Act has had an impact on individuals. Also, see a mini-documentary (8 minutes) of the World Bank Institute’s RTI work in Bangladesh, showcasing three concrete examples of how different stakeholders (grassroots, journalists and youth), used RTI.

WikiLeaks: Several articles on WikiLeaks, including one in the October issue of the journal Governance by Professor Christopher Hood of the University of Oxford.

To get free access Sept. 28, subscribe to the monthly Governance newsletter: (The issue also contains a book review on FOI by Tom McClean of the London School of Economics about Freedom of Information and the Developing World by Colin Darch and Peter Underwood.)

Wilson Quarterly has just provided open access to an Al Roberts article on WikiLeaks:

Yet another take on the relationship between FOI and Wikileaks, by John Lloyd, was published in The Financial Times.

Mobile Devices: The U.S. Center for International Media Assistance (CIMA) has released a new report, News on the Go: How Mobile Devices Are Changing the World’s Information Ecosystem, by Dale Peskin, a veteran journalist and expert on digital media and mobile technology.

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