OGP Invites Participation in New Networking Mechanism

8 August 2011

The Open Government Partnership has invited governments, civil society, private firms and others with expertise in open in government to participate in a “Networking Mechanism.”

The Open Government Partnership is “a new multilateral initiative that aims to secure concrete commitments from governments to promote transparency, empower citizens, fight corruption, and harness new technologies to strengthen governance.”  (See previous eight FreedomInfo.org reports on the OGP by clicking on “open government partnership” under latest tags.)

The OGP Networking Mechanism (NM), according to an invitation to join:

… connects aspiring OGP governments with non-profit, private sector, and governmental providers of expertise in specific issue areas to help governments develop innovative, cutting-edge OGP commitments. Its value-added is in providing governments with quick and useful introductions to potential providers of assistance and ensuring that the resultant dialogue is fruitful and efficient.  The OGP NM is managed by a steering committee comprising Global Integrity and the World Bank Institute, with Global Integrity currently serving as the chair and initial point of contact for both providers and requesting governments under the OGP NM.

Through a survey, the network organizers plan to build a roster suppliers of open government expertise. “Our aim is to then begin making introductions based on the information provided by those in need of assistance, and those best placed to provide it.”


“SUPPLY SIDE” SURVEY (for governments, non-governmental organizations, private firms, and multilateral institutions)


“DEMAND SIDE” SURVEY (for aspiring OGP governments)


A contact is Nathaniel Heller, Managing Director of Global Integrity, nathaniel.heller@globalintegrity.org, who also wrote an Aug. 4 article on the Global Integrity website.

The organizers  have posted several examples of how the network would work.

The network hopes to allow surfing and filtering of the information on the OGP website, but probably not until after the first official OGP meeting in September in New York.

In addition, the network may do some custom matchmaking.

There is no dedicated funding for OGP networking activities themselves, although the organizers anticipate tapping a range of donors for possible support if and when great ideas bubble up post-matchmaking. The World Bank may also have windows of funding support available. Global Integrity’s work on the matchmaking mechanism is being supported by the Omidyar Network.

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