Indian Cabinet Rejects Controversial Sports Bill

31 August 2011

The Indian Cabinet Aug. 30 rejected a proposal to regulate national sports federations that included a provision to bring them under the right to information law. (See previous report.)

The disapproval was overwhelming according to news reports, but the sports minister later vowed to try again. 

The sports minister said any revised draft legislation would still include the provision to bring the sports federation under the Right to Information Act, saying, “We just want transparency and efficiency and RTI ensures that,” according to The Hindustan Times.

“The resistance to the bill moved by sports minister Ajay Maken was almost unanimous, with opponents citing reasons ranging from its provisions being too intrusive and omnibus to poor timing when a fresh government foray into the domain of sports bodies would not be appreciated,” according to a report in The Times of India. Reports indicated that the attempted inclusion of the Board of Control for Cricket India was particularly unpopular and that lobbying against it was “intense.” The Hindu detailed the breath of the opposition.
Maken said afterward that he expects to rework the bill and try again, according to reports such as one in The Economic Times.

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