Pakistani Group Seeks Appointment of Ombudsman

17 June 2011

The Centre for Peace and Development Initiatives (CPDI) has called for the appointment of the Federal Ombudsman in Pakistan, pointing out that the position has been vacant since the end of October 2010.

The Office of the Federal Ombudsman was established as the result of President’s order 1 of 1983, CPDI noted, with the purpose to redress grievances caused by maladministration in any federal government agency.

“The role of this institution is pivotal in offering citizens a mechanism by which complaints can be filed against the Federal Government institutions,” the group said. In 2010 the Federal Ombudsman received over 32,000 complaints.

“Not only that government has long been dragging its feet on enacting an effective right to information law, it has further weakened the existing law by not appointing head of the appellant body,” according to the Centre.

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