Mexican FOI Amendment Stalled According to Activists

24 June 2011

Proposed amendments toMexico’s freedom of information law are “stuck,” according to activists, who believe that no legislative action is likely this year because of the 2012 elections .

Congress has gone in the recess until September, after opposition from several key legislators and the Treasury ministry stalled progress on the bill, sources said.

The bill is hung up over two main points: transparency of public trust funds and the banking or fiscal operations that involve public resources (Article 58) and the powers of the IFAI (Federal Institute of Access to Information) to guarantee access to information (Article 59).

 The discussion of the bill could resume September, but activists are not optimistic.  Among other things, the president has been unsupportive.  The measure also must be approved by two committees  (Justice and Función Pública) whose chairmen have been critical.  One committee approved the bill. (See previous report.)

The legislation says that IFAI’s resolutions could not be appealed in court by other government agencies, a change opposed by the Ministry of Treasury.  

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