Regional Russian Websites Found Lacking in IIFD Report

27 May 2011

The Institute for Information Freedom Development has issued a report on the official websites of 83 executive government bodies of the Russian Federation.

The monitoring results showed that Russian regional governments provided only 38% of the information on their activities that must be published according to the Russian FOI law, according to IIFD.

“Therefore, the majority of data on regional governments’ activities are shadowed and hidden from the public,” the group said.

After conducting the monitoring, the group met with officials from about one-third of the regions. “Thus, officials were provided with time and possibilities to fix failures detected by IIFD experts who then updated scores. After expiration of the Internet communication, openness scores were finalized.” After the communication period, average openness rate only by 2%. “However, individual openness parameters for a number of websites have changed significantly,” the group reported.

And here is the top five after the communication period:

– Rostov Region administration: 84.9%
– Ulyanovsk Region government: 71.4%
– Orenburg Region government: 68.9%
– Udmurt Republic Government: 67.8%
– Kirov Region government: 60.3%.

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