EU Council to Appeal Transparency Ruling

27 May 2011

The European Union Council has voted to appeal a March court ruling that mandated disclosure of a document summarizing member countries’ positions on reform of the EU’s access to information rules (See previous report.)

The May decision apparently was made without opposition, but Wobbing Europe’s Staffan Dahllöf  learned that some pro-transparency governments have reserved their right side with the successful plaintiff, Access-Info a civil society group.

The appeal of the March 22 ruling by the General Court of the EU will go to the Court of Justice. Wobbing Europe also reports that the Council is not releasing material that requesters believe should be disclosed as a result of the earlier decision.

According to Wobbing Europe, Denmark abstained from voting, as did Finland. In addition, Finland and Sweeden indicated a willingness to release information about their positions on Council matters.

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