Mexican Network Sets Strategy, Discusses Successes

7 April 2011

By Gabriela Ruiz

Visiting  researcher at The National Security Archive and FOIA Officer at the Chiapas Access to Information Institute 

The México Infórmate FOI advocates network celebrated its second annual  meeting  in  Cancún March 17-18, trading success stories and planning strategy.

The Mexico Infórmate network integrates members of  the  media, civil society, and local government ministries.  Its  goal  is  to  open  a  dialogue  about  the importance of open government and freedom of information.

The  two-day  meeting  consisted  of  seminars, discussions and workshops. Speakers  included  Dr. Mauricio Merino, Director of the Division of Public Administration  of  CIDE;  Oscar Guerra Ford Chairman of InfoDF; and Miguel Pulido, Executive Director of Fundar.

During  the  meeting  participants  shared success stories about the use of public  information  laws and discussed strategies to fight setbacks at the local and national levels.

Samuel Bonilla, México Infórmate Coordinator in San Luis Potosí, narrated a case of  a librarian  from  his  state  who requested information about programs  to  rehabilitate the streets in her neighborhood.

Following her request, the answer from the  municipality was  “work  will start on those streets in the following days.”  

This  case  reminded  participants that at the local level a simple access  to information request can positively affect the quality of life of Mexicans.

National  coordinators  of México Infórmate Lilia Saúl and Emilene Martínez presented  the networks’ 2010 Yearbook, which showcases the activities they  celebrated during Right to Know Week. (See related report in

Cancún Decalogue

At  the  end  of  the  meeting, Merino presented the conclusions of the two days  of  work – the Cancún Decalogue.

The document enumerates the main activities  that  the network will promote in 2011-12, among them:

 –         Strategic litigation  to  fight  government  denials  of  information;

–          Disseminating success   stories;   training  citizens  and  journalists;  and

–          Denouncing legislative omissions.

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