New Group Formed to Press for FOI Legislation in Brazil

11 February 2011

Brasil Aberto (Open Brazil) has been created to encourage passage of an access to public information law in Brazil.

Legislation passed the lower house of Congress in April 2010, but has since languished in the Senate where it has been assigned for review to four committees. (See previous report.)

The new coalition was formed Feb. 5 by citizens and organizations including Article 19 Brazil, Transparencia Brasil, Vote with Conscience (Voto Consciente), ABRAJI (Brazilian Association of Brazilian Investigative Reporters), and Transparencia Hack (an open-data community).

The new group issued a 400 word “Letter from São Paulo” which says in part:

Brazil is falling behind; it must act decisively to illustrate its commitment to openness and transparency, and as a signal of democratic strength to its citizens and the international community. The right to access public information empowers citizens with information to promote greater participation and prosperity, and serves to protect and advance social, economic, and political rights.

For further information, contact Greg Michener , Fabiano Angélico , or Arthur Massuda at


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