Tanzanian Official Pledges Action on FOI Legislation

21 January 2011

The Tanzanian government wants to pass a freedom of information law, according to a top official quoted in the media.

“The government will do everything possible to make sure that the bill is enacted and implemented accordingly,” the Minister of Information and Culture, Dr. Emmanuel Nchimbi told media stakeholders in Dar es Salaam Jan. 19, according to a report by Joseph Mchekadona in an ippmedia.com report.

The Media Owners of Tanzania (MOAT) and Media Council of Tanzania (MCT) called for speedy enactment of the bill into law, noting that the draft was submitted by media stakeholders to the government in 2007.

The acting director of Tanzania Information Services, Raphael Hokororo, was quoted as telling the  media representatives that the bill has been submitted to the cabinet secretariat and would be sent back to media stakeholders for some amendments. He said the bill needed to be amended to accommodate developments such as the East Africa Common Market which opens the country’s job market.

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