Report Scores Openness of Chinese Cities, Provinces

8 October 2010

A detailed new report is critical of the openness of  Chinese cities and provincial governments, although the principal author says improvement is evident since last year.

“More than half of China’s city and provincial governments surveyed have failed open-information requirements, while only two out of 43 organs under China’s cabinet managed to pass marginally, a report has found,” according to the story in Global Times by Guo Quiang.

The report said further, “Compared with the report in 2009, some governments have made progress in the proactive disclosure of administrative information, the project leader, Wang Xixin, vice dean of the law school at Peking University.”

 “China Government Transparency Watch Report 2009” was released by the Center for Public Participation Studies and Support (CPPSS) under Peking University on Sept. 29. An English summary is in the works. 

Almost 60 percent of China’s 30 provincial-level administrative governments failed to meet open information standards and only two units under the State Council have met the standards, according to the report.

On a 100 point scale, only 12 out of 30 cities and provincial-level governments obtained 60 points or above, with a pass rate of 40 percent, the report found. Beijing was the top-ranked city, as stressed in the story by Zhang Xuanchen in The Shanghai Daily.

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