FOI Notes: Advocacy, Use, Monitoring

15 October 2010

Passage of FOI Laws Urged:  A feature story by Franklin Cudjoe, head of the Ghanaian think tank IMANI, says in part:  “Three important items must be on the menu of reformist governments and the World Bank. First is the demand for freedom of information laws across Africa. Second, civil society must push for the passage of Fiscal Responsibility Law(s) (IMANI is already leading this campaign in Ghana) and finally the creation of an independent evaluation group that will monitor and evaluate government projects and have the confidence to name and shame, since clearly national development planning commissions on the continent are not taken serious by national governments that appoint and pay their members.”

Guide for CSOs Issued in UK: The National Council for Voluntary Organisations (NCVO) has published a new guide Voicing your right to know: A guide to using Freedom of Information in campaigning. “Illustrated by five case studies, Bliss, Corner House, Campaign Against the Arms Trade, TreeHouse and the Campaign for Clean Air in London, the guide explores ways in which Freedom of Information requests have been used in campaigns from developing the evidence base of a campaign or to gain crucial information on how decisions are made.” The guide has been put together by Philip Hadley for Campaigning Effectiveness, NCVO. 

Performance Monitoring in Queensland: A blog post by Peter Timmins in Australia describes the performance monitoring recently published by the Queensland FOI Commissioner.

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