Australia Appoints Popple as First FOI Commissioner

29 October 2010

The Australian government Oct. 29 announced that Australia’s first Freedom of Information Commissioner will be Dr. James Popple.

Popple is currently First Assistant Secretary of the Civil Law Division of the Commonwealth Attorney-General’s Department and an Adjunct Lecturer in the School of Computer Science at the Australian National University, according to a press release on the appointment.

“Dr. Popple’s appointment signals a new era of transparency and accountability in Australian government when it comes to freedom of information,” said Minister for Privacy and Freedom of Information Brendan O’Connor.

“The newly created role of FOI Commissioner underscores Labor’s commitment to improve public access to information across the federal government,” O’Connor said.

He praised Popple for having “a strong administrative law background and extensive experience providing legal and policy advice to government.”

Popple will start work as FOI Commissioner on Nov. 1.

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