FOIA Notes: RTK Day; Research; Call for Papers

23 September 2010

RTK Day Activities:  Don’t have your RTK Day already planned?  See this map and listings of activities by Access Info Europe.

World Bank Working Paper on Canada: The World Bank Institute publishes a fifth working paper on access to information – Advancing Access to Information Principles through Performance Management Mechanisms: The Case of Canada —  by Paul Thomas, University of Manitoba

Based on the case study of the Government of Canada, this report examines how management accountability processes operating within public services – Canada’s Management Accountability Framework – may contribute to the promotion and enforcement of access laws.

The other WBI working papers on ATI issues are here: “Available Now: New Practitioner Resources on Access to Information”

Global Conference on Transparency: Nov. 30 is the deadline to submit proposals for paper to be presented at the 1st Global Conference on Transparency Research, to be held May 19-20, 2011, at Rutgers-University-Newark, New Jersey, U.S. 

The purpose of the conference to bring together scholars from a wide range of fields including sociology, anthropology, political science, public administration, economics, political economy, journalism, business, and law who study issues of governmental transparency. This is the first large meeting of its kind to bring together leading scholars from throughout the world to collectively advance our understanding of the impact and implications of transparency policies that involve governments, either directly or indirectly.  This includes policies on access to information held by and about governments, transparency relationships between government entities, transparency relationships between governments and private and non-profit entities, and access to information held by government about individuals. We are interested in learning about the effects of these policies and the processes around which they are developed and implemented.  Papers and pre-formed panels are invited on any of the above issues.  For more details see the website

The proposal forms are available at and should be submitted to Ms. Jyldyz Kasymova at

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