EBRD Begins Process to Review Public Information Policy

12 December 2007

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development has begun a review of its Public Information Policy.

Setting a deadline of Dec. 21 for public comments, the EBRD has put out a four-page issues paper as the first step in a three-stage process. The issues paper makes no suggestions for changes, but invites comment regarding the disclosure elements of the EBRD’s environmental policy, its independent recourse mechanism, and its procurement policy as well as the PIP itself.

In the next stage, the Bank will prepare a draft PIP and submit it for comments for 45 day period.  In parallel, disclosure policy is to be discussed at consultation workshops that will cover both the  PIP and the Environmental Policy.

The consultation meetings are planned for late February – early March 2008 to be held in six locations: London, Budapest, Belgrade, Moscow, Tbilisi and Bishkek. This process has been slightly delayed from previous plans.

Ultimately, a second draft PIP together with management’s response to incoming comments  will be submitted to the Board for approval, according to the announcement.

The EBRD suggests that it is not planning a complete rewrite, stating, “It should be noted that there are certain information categories where positions are already known, and where changes are not anticipated.” Off limits, the Bank suggests are areas in which it has determined its policies meet or exceed those of other institutions. Nor will it reconsider opening Bank meetings to the public or publishing transcripts.

By Toby McIntosh

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Filed under: IFTI Watch


In this column, Washington, D.C.-based journalist Toby J. McIntosh reports on the latest developments in information disclosure in International Financial and Trade Institutions (IFTI).
Contact: freeinfo@gwu.edu or
1-(703) 276-7748