Archive for December, 2004

  • 21 December 2004

    European Investment Bank Plans Disclosure Policy Review

    The European Investment Bank Dec. 14 announced plans to conduct a review of its Public Information Policy, and requested public comment on its existing policy. The consultative process will be launched in the first quarter of 2005. The EIB did not offer proposal for change, asking instead that comments focus on the EIB’s existing public […]

  • 21 December 2004

    IFC Provides With Draft Confidentiality Agreement

    The World Bank’s private lending arm, the International Finance Corporation, uses confidentiality agreements with its clients to protect business information from disclosure, but treats such information as confidential with or without such agreements, according to an IFC explanation provided to How the IFC should handle business information is one of several main issues being […]

  • 21 December 2004

    IFC Reformulates Draft Disclosure Policy, Slightly The International Finance Corporation, having previously described its proposals for disclosure of information in a "concept paper" has now reformulated its thinking in a "working draft." The Nov. 24 draft issued by the World Bank’s private sector lending arm consists of three parts, each four pages long, and appears […]

  • 21 December 2004

    World Bank Pulling Back on Transparency Pilot Project

    The World Bank’s board of executive directors is resisting pro-transparency reforms recommended by Bank president James Wolfensohn, cutting back particularly on his proposals to experiment with the release of “draft” materials. It now appears that the board has decided against a proposal to let the public see a handful of key documents at the same […]

  • 21 December 2004

    Critics Fault ADB Draft Public Communications Policy

    The Asian Development Bank’s second draft of a new communications policy is meeting with some praise, and also with continuing criticism. Common themes included: demands for more disclosure about private sector operations, recommendations for releasing the key documents as they go to the board, and appeals for an independent appeals process. The comments are posted […]

  • 10 December 2004

    Information Requests Reveal Destruction of Records by Administrative Agencies in Japan

    Information Clearinghouse Japan, a non-profit organization, conducted an investigation based on information requests filed under the Japanese public information disclosure law regarding the destruction of official records before that law came into effect in March 2001. The records showed that at least ten agencies significantly increased their disposal of documents during fiscal year 2000, some […]


In this column, Washington, D.C.-based journalist Toby J. McIntosh reports on the latest developments in information disclosure in International Financial and Trade Institutions (IFTI).
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